Sex and Society

Society does more to contribute to sexual addiction and hindering authentic sexuality than they do to promote it.  Sexual addiction has most likely been around since the early days of recorded history, but until the last several years, it has been a taboo topic with little to no discussion or research models to base opinions on.  The sex addict is a person who engages in persistent and escalating patterns of sexual behavior much like the alcoholic progresses in their disease.  When society fails to address a problem, they condone it.  In most cases, through television, film, and printed materials they actually promote it.  If not for the many cases of celebrity sex addicts in the media, the topic would most likely continue to go on without discussion and the lives of individuals and families would continue to be destroyed.  The church, as a part of society, I believe has been equally if not more lacking in addressing this topic.  Preachers involved in sex scandals and Priests becoming predators over their congregations fuel the desire that many have to keep this topic a secret.  Secrets keep us sicker; period.

When the church fails to set the biblical standards for authentic sexuality, the result is inauthentic sexuality.  Not everyone will be reached by the church; however, if the church doesn't plant the seed then how will it grow?  Churches are formed by a body of believers.  If one believer stands for what is right, others will follow.  Wasn't this proven when Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross for the sins of others?  Did the disciples disband and go their separate ways with no clear direction?  No, they followed the example of Jesus and spread the message of His Gospel.  Sexual authenticity is a part of that Gospel.

Take control of your life and break the chains of addiction.  Contact Coastal Wellness Counseling now for a free consultation and discover how you can live a life of freedom!  Addiction is progressive - so is recovery!!


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