The Availability Heuristic

            The availability heuristic refers to a cognitive shortcut used by the brain to recall a memory of a previous event (Bartol & Bartol, 2014).  Our text provides an excellent example of the availability heuristic by explaining how we become desensitized to repeated exposure to the news coverage of violent crimes, particularly murder.  Murder accounts for 1.2% of all violent crime reported in 2010 (Bartol & Bartol, 2014), yet it is an extensive focus of the nightly newscast.  While the percentages of reported rape, robbery, and aggravated assault account for the vast majority of violent crimes, murder is a heinous act and the more sensational the murder (mass killing, serial killers, etc.) the more it is reported.  Repeated exposure to stories of murder on the news can lead one to believe that murders actually occur more frequently than they do and affect their views of the world around them.
            One example of the availability heuristic that I see in my daily life is in the treatment center where I work.  Our clients are incarcerated male inmates of the Florida Department of Corrections in a community control environment.  These men are all receiving treatment for substance abuse or drug sales charges and I frequently hear examples of the availability heuristic from them.  Most often I hear comments like, “Everyone smokes marijuana” or “Everyone buys drugs” or “Everyone drives drunk” or “Everyone, (insert your favorite behavior here).”  While this may be true in their world, I can honestly say I neither smoke marijuana, buy drugs, nor drive under the influence nor does anyone that I associate with.  Their accessibility of the information about the people around them has distorted their perception to believe that since everyone they are associated with uses or buys drugs, then everyone must use or buy drugs.

Take control of your life and break the chains of addiction.  Contact Coastal Wellness Counseling now for a free consultation and discover how you can live a life of freedom!  Addiction is progressive - so is recovery!!


Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2014). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach. Boston: Pearson.


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