Theories and Models as Frameworks for Research
Each of the articles in this week’s assignment stress the importance of proper supervision and training in counselor education. They agree that theories and models are important for the student to understand and apply, yet they use a different approach to convey the information. Tangen and Borders (2017) promote the Information Processing Theory (IPT), while Bayne and Jangha (2016) use improvisation to teach the specific skill of empathy.
Theories involve a hypothesis; an idea that “describes, speculates, or defines a relationship between a set of facts or phenomena through a body of principles, policies, beliefs, or assumptions” (Tangen & Borders, 2017, p. 1). The IPT is suggested to be used by supervisors to better prepare their counselor supervisees to receive, understand, retain and recall information (Tangen & Borders, 2017). By using the IPT, the authors believe supervisors will have an intentional method of maximizing the supervisee’s learning about counseling theories, skills, diagnoses, and case conceptualizations (Tangen & Borders, 2017). To learn empathy skills using improvisation, Bayne and Jangha (2016) propose presenting the skills through teaching, observing, and role-playing. Their method refers to a model to demonstrate how the various processes interact to teach empathy to counseling students (Bayne & Jangha, 2016).
Both articles demonstrate critical thinking skills. Tangen and Borders (2017) acknowledge that the theory of information processing cannot be accredited to a single founder or a single model. They take ideas from each and offer their own approach to information processing to contribute to the field of clinical supervision, while recognizing the limitations of their approach (Tangen & Borders, 2017). Bayne and Jangha (2016) confront the topic of critical thinking directly by including specific questions to be used to process the information learned through improvisation.
An area of critical thinking where I believe I am strong is in determining the role of the claimant. When I am presented with an idea, I typically want to consider the source and determine if the person has an interest in proving the claim is true or whether they are independently trying to confirm the claim. Testing is an area of critical thinking that I consider myself weak in. Although I did well in the statistics courses associated with my bachelors and masters degrees, I’m nearly as afraid of statistics as I am spiders. The difference is, I cannot squash statistics and I have to learn to live with them and apply them.
Bayne, H. B., & Jangha, A. (2016). Utilizing improvisation to teach empathy skills in counselor education. Counselor Education and Supervision, 55(4), 250-262.
Tangen, J. L., & Borders, L. D. (2017). Applying information processing theory to supervision: An initial exploration. Counselor Education and Supervision, 56(2), 98-111.
Theories involve a hypothesis; an idea that “describes, speculates, or defines a relationship between a set of facts or phenomena through a body of principles, policies, beliefs, or assumptions” (Tangen & Borders, 2017, p. 1). The IPT is suggested to be used by supervisors to better prepare their counselor supervisees to receive, understand, retain and recall information (Tangen & Borders, 2017). By using the IPT, the authors believe supervisors will have an intentional method of maximizing the supervisee’s learning about counseling theories, skills, diagnoses, and case conceptualizations (Tangen & Borders, 2017). To learn empathy skills using improvisation, Bayne and Jangha (2016) propose presenting the skills through teaching, observing, and role-playing. Their method refers to a model to demonstrate how the various processes interact to teach empathy to counseling students (Bayne & Jangha, 2016).
Both articles demonstrate critical thinking skills. Tangen and Borders (2017) acknowledge that the theory of information processing cannot be accredited to a single founder or a single model. They take ideas from each and offer their own approach to information processing to contribute to the field of clinical supervision, while recognizing the limitations of their approach (Tangen & Borders, 2017). Bayne and Jangha (2016) confront the topic of critical thinking directly by including specific questions to be used to process the information learned through improvisation.
An area of critical thinking where I believe I am strong is in determining the role of the claimant. When I am presented with an idea, I typically want to consider the source and determine if the person has an interest in proving the claim is true or whether they are independently trying to confirm the claim. Testing is an area of critical thinking that I consider myself weak in. Although I did well in the statistics courses associated with my bachelors and masters degrees, I’m nearly as afraid of statistics as I am spiders. The difference is, I cannot squash statistics and I have to learn to live with them and apply them.
Tangen, J. L., & Borders, L. D. (2017). Applying information processing theory to supervision: An initial exploration. Counselor Education and Supervision, 56(2), 98-111.
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