Sexuality and Gender

            Although the concepts of sexuality and gender are closely related, they are completely distinct concepts.  A person’s gender or gender role refers to their particular culture’s definition.  Included are characteristics such as their movement, expressions, way of dressing, manner of speech, and gender-based attitudes, interests, stereotypes, and behavioral expectations.  Sexuality is a part of what makes us human.  Authentic sexuality refers to the true, real, and believable of what God intended for our sexuality.  Through the consequences of sin, this good gift of God has been perverted and used in ways in which it was never intended (Balswick & Balswick, 2008).
            Human sexuality and gender have a shared and relational element.  From infancy, societal customs and rules assume girls will grow into women and boys will grow into men.  Boys are to display courage, strength, and dominance where girls should be gentle, responsive, compliant and sensitive.  For boys, the message received by their parents and society encourage them to expose more of themselves and to explore themselves.  Girls, on the other hand, are regarded as less sexual and their sexuality is protected more by their parents.  They are encouraged to dress modestly and resist sexual advances.  Men and women learn what signs and things to associate with sexual meaning and motivations through their culture.  Because of this, the various sexual stimuli change over time through the influences of their culture (Balswick & Balswick, 2008).

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Balswick, J. K., & Balswick, J. O. (2008). Authentic human sexuality: An integrated Christian approach (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.


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